課程資訊 回上一頁
3 年級
1 (上學期: 0.8/下學期: 0.2)
鄭瓊娟 老師
教學目標 學生以實際接觸大體方式教學,增加對人體構造的認識,並且在之後醫學相關課程上能奠定好基礎,人體的構造了解對醫學生非常重要。經由實驗課程加深在課堂上的印象並連結日後臨床解剖學的學習。
授課時數 授課 0小時, 實習上 1.6 小時,下 0.4 小時
課程綱要 觀察人體解剖構造,實驗採取在教師指導與解說下,學生透過觀察大體老師,並輔以大體解剖室內的塑化標本、模型和VR等多媒體工具,加強學生的理解和記憶,加深對基本知識的掌握。除解剖知識的學習,並希望學生從參與大體老師遺屬的家訪、啟用儀式、入殮火化儀式等,能深刻感念大體老師的無私大愛,學習大體老師的無私奉獻精神,將來貢獻於社會、造福更多的病人!
學習目標 1-1. List the major endocrine organs and describe their location.
1-2. Describe the functions of endocrine glands.
1-3. Study the cell types of pituitary gland.
3-1. Major skeletal muscles of the body (head, neck, chest and back muscle)
3-2. Muscles that move the pectoral girdle and humerus (arm)
3-3. Muscles that move the radius and ulna (forearm)
3-4. Muscles that move the wrist, hand, and digits
4-1. Major skeletal muscles of the body (head, neck, chest and back muscle)
4-2. Muscles that move the pectoral girdle and humerus (arm)
4-3. Muscles that move the radius and ulna (forearm)
4-4. Muscles that move the wrist, hand, and digits
5-1. Muscles that act on the femur (thigh) and tibia and fibula (leg)
5-2. Muscles that move the foot and toes
5-3. Joint of upper limb
5-4. Joint of lower limb
6-1. Muscles that act on the abdominal wall
6-2. Muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum
6-3. Muscles that act on the abdominal wall
6-4. Muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum
9-1. Study the muscles of the head and neck.
9-2. The types and consequences of aortic dissecting
9-3. The histopathological changes in aortic walls
9-4. The association with hypertension and Marfan's syndrome
9-5. Study the innervation and blood supply of the head and neck.
9-6. The histopathological changes in acute myocardial infraction
9-7. Atheromatous vs. nonatheromatous transmural infraction
9-8. The significance of intralesional hemorrhage
9-9. The significance of myocytolysis
9-10. Study the structures of the pharynx and larynx.
9-11. The histopathological changes in acute rheumatic carditis
9-12. The histopathological characteristics of Aschoff bodies
9-13. Review
9-14. The types and consequences of infectious endocarditis (IE)
9-15. The histopathological changes of valvular lesion in IE
9-16. The different types of vegetative endocarditis
9-17. The histopathological features of postinfarction changes including the chronic tissue ischemic injury and patterns of tissue repair
9-18. The cardiac complications of myocardial infarction
9-19. The types and consequences of myocardial infarction
9-20. The histopathological changes of complicated coronary atherosclerosis
9-21. The histopathological changes in chronic rheumatic heart disease
9-22. The pulmonary passive congestion and left-side heart failure
9-23. Liver, cavernous hemangioma (S90-26163)
9-24. The pathological features of benign vascular tumor
9-25. The most common benign vascular tumor
10-1. Identify the general structures of nasal cavity, larynx, trachea and lung
10-2. Identify the fine structure of the alveoli and surrounding capillary network to their functions
11-1. Muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum
11-2. Muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum
11-3. mouth; pharynx, esophagus, stomach, duodenum.
11-4. liver; pancreas; gall bladder; spleen; small intestine.
12-1. Dissection of the male pelvis
12-2. Dissection of the female pelvis
12-3. Dissection of the iliac fossa
12-4. Dissection of the ureter in the male
12-5. Dissection of the ureter and uterine artery in the female
12-6. The internal iliac artery
12-7. Dissection of the urogenital organs in the male
12-8. Dissection of the urogenital organs in the female
12-9. The sigmoid and rectum
13-1. The wall of the eye
13-2. Eye contents
13-3. The accessory structures
14-1. The external ear
14-2. The middle ear
14-3. The inner ear
15-1. Identify the location and internal gross anatomy of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra
15-2. Identify the blood supply of urinary system
15-3. Identify the innervation of urinary system
講題 1 Axial bone
2 Appendicular bone
3 Back
4 LimbⅠ
5 Limb Ⅱ
6 Abdomen and pelvis
7 Thorax and back [I]
8 Mediastinum
9 Head and neck
10 The respiratory system
11 The digestive system
12 The pelvic Cavity
13 Eye and ear structure
14 Visual, auditory and vestibular system
15 The urinary system
評量方式 實驗室跑台考試及學習態度
1.0 人文素養與社會關懷
1.1 能理解病人行為及身心交互影響 ... 少許相關
1.2 醫療照護制度與社會 ... 完全無關
1.3 對社會或文化脈絡的敏感度 ... 少許相關
2.0 專業知識與自主學習
2.1 具備良好的基礎及臨床醫學知識 ... 完全相關
2.2 主動學習能力 ... 大部份相關
2.3 終身學習能力 ... 少許相關
3.0 溝通協調與團隊合作
3.1 人際關係及溝通技巧 ... 少許相關
3.2 跨領域團隊合作 ... 完全無關
3.3 領導與管理 ... 少許相關
4.0 專業素養及堅守倫理
4.1 堅守醫療倫理、研究倫理及學術倫理 ... 少許相關
4.2 跟病人和同儕相互尊重、誠信及尊重他人 ... 少許相關
4.3 具專業素養並能承擔專業責任 ... 少許相關
6.0 邏輯思辨和自我反省
6.1 具備邏輯推理能力 ... 少許相關
6.2 基於實證提出最佳決策 ... 少許相關
6.3 從工作中學習及成長 ... 少許相關